Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I've Got the Blizzard Blues

Snow, snow and more snow... and then ice. 

That's pretty much the weather situation here in Chicago right now (yes, I realize I sound like a meteorologist). 

Nevertheless, the indoors seem rather appealing almost, well basically all of the time right now. Because honestly, who looks forward to stepping outside and having even your nose hairs turn to icicles on first inhale-- not me. Plus, my cozy puppy is inside with me :)

(Flannel: Akira, Jeans: Gap, Necklace, H&M)


  1. your puppy is adorable:) and what breed is this if I may ask?

    I absolutely love how you styled this oversize flannel shirt with flare jeans...

    ingenious stuff!

    personally I don't mind the indoor photos, I mean who would venture in the snow...brrrr

    1. Thank you so much! He is a Dutch a Shepherd :) I rescued him about a year ago and it's the best thing I've ever done.

      And taking photos outside is nearly impossible right now by me because they still haven't plowed our streets (we got about 20 inches of snow)! I haven't been able to get my car out since Sunday *yikes!*
